Fika Swedish Kitchen

In 2013 I set up Sydney’s first Swedish eatery with two fellow Swedes, Sophie and Linda. We named it Fika, a Swedish word that translates to “taking a break for coffee and a bite to eat”. Located in one of Manly’s narrow laneways, Fika is a hub for all things Scandinavian – from delicious food and minimalist design to a cultural home away from home for Sydney’s Swedish expats.

We all loved living in Sydney but missed the foods and traditions from home. Opening Fika was a way for us to bring a little piece of Sweden, down under and a chance to celebrate all the great holidays like Crayfish season, Semla day or Midsummer. I continued working at Interbrand whilst setting our new business up and spent close to two years juggling these two fantastic jobs. 

My personal favourite is updating our 
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